Monday, September 20, 2010

The Art of Balance

I was never a true believer in horoscopes, astrological signs and such... not that I don't entirely believe but it's safe to say I proceed with caution... I have to admit, there is one characteristic of a Libra which is me without a shadow of a doubt and that's balance.

Libra is the only zodiac symbol that's neither animal nor human -- but surely that doesn't make you any less human. In fact, Libra is among the most sociable of the signs. As scales of old were really "balances," so to do you seek balance in all that Libra does. You respond to situations with grace as Libra attempts to put others at ease. Artistically, Libra tries to balance form, content, colors and elements, and for this reason can be drawn toward creative endeavors.

I have always done a good job of my balancing act. Between school, work, friends, family etc I always seem to manage and get things done, regardless of the deadline, regardless of the task - it got done... in fact I often surprised myself that I was able to balance everything I did. But recently that has all changed. I find that I feel completely "off", and I mean everything feels off. From my car, which is a mess to my house which is dirty, unorganized and not on a schedule to my puppy who is peeing on everything she see's and is so needy that it's throwing off any excuse of a schedule I thought I had. My dishwasher is full, my laundry is piling up and to top off this awesome situation, my hot water thing isn't working.

You see the previous owners wanted to be energy efficient, which hey I give mad props... so instead of a hot water tank like most homes have which gives you hot water at the drop of a hat it is this box looking thing in the wall. What is does is as water passes through it it heats it up as needed thus saving energy.... but this damn piece of equipment is... i don't know, broken? We ha vent had hot water when we need it for over a week. We sometimes get it, it doesn't last and it's the most frustrating thing ever. So for the past week I have driving to my mom and dad's at 530 am while dropping off Mimi to take a freaking shower... and to make this story even more magical I forgot my work pants on Monday. So here I am hair done, make up done - work shirt on heels on....and my black and pink sweat pants running into Meijer at 630 am to purchase a pair of work pants. UGH
I'll be in a much better place once my damn hot water is working, Mimi is better trained and I am more balanced with my work and house schedule. All this craziness is making me feel incredibly unbalanced which in turn is driving me nuts. I know this feeling will not last forever, but I really cant wait for a little routine and balance in my life....but until then ;)

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