Wednesday, December 8, 2010

One Word

Since I feel I am in a writing funk, I stumbled across Reverb 10 - a way for you to reflect on the years events. So even though I am a couple days behind - let's get things started. The first prompt for discussion is:
One Word: Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you're
choosing that word. Now, imagine it's one year from today, what would you
like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

I think the one word that I would use to describe this year, it would be: Whirlwind

This year has been absolutely insane, in the most magical sense of the word. Has it been stressful? Yes. Has it tested me and taught me hard lessons, absolutely. But has it been worth it? Without a doubt. Mr. and I brought in the year together and as the clock struck midnight we kissed each other and screamed "We're getting married this year!" It was a year of emotions. I started the year finishing up planning our (my) dream wedding, and I had such a good time doing it. I spent a lot of time with my mom and we got so much done - despite being on a strict budget. As I passed some of my last holidays at home I realized a phase of my life was coming to an end and although I was so ready physically to spread my wings and fly, emotionally I questioned if I could do this with grace.
Mr. and I hit the ground running (again) searching for our perfect starter home as well. 2009 proved to be a challenge for us finding the right seller to accommodate us and our restrictions, we ended the year with a lot of failed offers which left us feeling defeated. We had to have looked at over 100 houses (no joke) and it was starting to wear on us emotionally, and with the Obama first time buyers incentive winding down, we knew we had to buckle down and think smart. At the end of January we looked in a whole new area of town and absolutely loved the house. It was an older home with a lot of updates, hardwood floors, bay window, BIG backyard, garage, beautiful paint colors.... AND it was in our price range! We put an offer in and 3 days later - WE GOT IT!!!!!!!!!! we were both so happy and excited and lucky for us the loan process was painless. On March 3rd we walked into the title agency and signed our names on the dotted lines - we were HOMEOWNERS!!!!!
Our bridal shower came and went and next thing we knew, our wedding day had arrived. The weather was calm even though it threatened rain. I remember every single moment of that day. From waking up early in my bed which was the last time I would wake up as a single girl living at home. I remember feeling calm and excited all at the same time. I remember snuggling up on the couch with my mom as she played with my hair. I remember looking at my countdown clock - 10 hours, 14 minutes, 3 sec. I remember all the girls coming to the house, I remember driving together to my aunts shop, I remember popping champagne and eating a bagel. I remember all of us sitting around, getting our hair done - getting our makeup done laughing and crying. I remember it all. I remember RUSHING home to get my dress on and before I knew it I was in the waiting room. I remember my stomach with the butterflies flying about.... I remember waiting to walk down the aisle with my dad and those special words he told me. I remember that feeling as I turned the corner and saw him smiling. This was it. He was waiting for me, for us - to start our lives together.

The night was so magical surrounded by family and friends, we literally danced the night away. With good food, good wine, good company I couldn't have pictured a more perfect night. I didn't want it to end. And as Mr. and I walked into our hotel room for the night, I knew my life was never going to be the same. I remember waking up that next morning feeling so different - partly because I was extremely hungover, but partly because I woke up next to my husband - MY HUSBAND - how weird!!!

When I got home, I immediately went into nesting mode. I was buying furniture, and pictures and bookshelves and vases. I had so much freaking fun doing it. Our little home was coming together. Mr. and I were settling in as best as we could, you see he and I didn't live together before our wedding.... so this was all new to us. Living together, learning about each other - our little quirks. I found out that his socks are everywhere - in between cushions, under the bed, in my pant leg(?) I also found out that when he jumps out of the shower he usually likes to jumps out and head to his dresser instead of drying off on a rug. It was such an eye opener all the things - the good the bad the ugly. We are still learning about each other everyday. I learned he is a big time morning person, me, not so much. I learned he more laid back that I ever thought and I learned how much he really does love to cuddle :)
This year was so insane. From planning a wedding, to a bridal shower, to buying a home, to graduating college, to getting married, to flying to Hawaii, to moving out of my parents, to moving in with my husband, to find out the woes and amazingness of owning a home, to learning a lot about myself, to working full time, and to loving myself.
It has been a whirlwind of year and I feel like the fun has just begun. The word that I would like to capture 2011 would be Inspiration. I hope to find inspiration within myself to follow my dreams, even if its scary to take that leap. I hope to inspire myself to live all my wildest dreams even if I have to bust my ass to do it - I have never been a stranger to hard work - believe me.
I am so grateful for this year. I am grateful for all I have learned and all my blessings.... I hope you are too :)

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