Monday, January 17, 2011

Bullet Points

  • Lately I've been incredibly restless. My head is somewhere completely different... and fear, the unknown and "real life" is stopping me from perusing what really want to do.
  • I've been making an effort to be more conscience with my eating habits. I think I've done incredibly well. I'm eating less, not snacking as much, more water, less pop, more protein, less sweets. I still allow myself a couple pieces of chocolate or a cookie here or there but the key is not having a handful of Dove chocolates or 3 cookies. I'm giving myself limits.
  • Mike and I are eating in more. We have only eaten out maybe three times in the last couple weeks. I'm excited we've been eating in more, expanding our menu as well as savings.
  • This year's goal is to to simultaneously pay off BAD debt while saving our little butts off.
  • The above goal would allow me (us) to do what I long to do - and that's to travel more. Mike and I already discussed that we would not go on any trips this year and to focus all our funds on paying off debt - that way, next year, we can go on a fun trip, somewhere BIG, somewhere magical - and I don't mean Disney World ;-)
  • There are so many little things I want to do, like try some fun craft projects, try a couple new recipes, read more books, take more pictures, write more, etc - but I'm stopping myself.
  • I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.
  • I have this incredibly bad habit of allowing my BAD days follow me around like a black cloud hovering over me. BAD days are going to happen, how I choose to let it affect me is on me.
  • I need to put myself out there more.
  • I love spending time by myself. Grabbing a coffee, looking through magazines, catching a movie.... but I just CANT eat alone. I feel so....weird.

1 comment:

  1. you have some GREAT goals!! you are going to see a tremedous difference in how you feel and look from just those small changes in your eating. way to go!

