Saturday, January 8, 2011


So I get we are only a mere 8 days into the new year (but still, 8! Yowza) however, I find that I am still doing the same things that I told myself were not working, and vowed to make an effort to change - lone behold no effort.

Things that DO NEED to change:

- No breakfast in the morning

- A 450 cal coffee that I don't need

- Dis-organization (car, home, desk, life)

- No workday routine - Hi, im flying my the seed of my pants

- No actual goals to work toward

- Laying/sitting around too much

- Too worried about everything and everyone but myself

- How I handle my stress

- Conquering my fears head on - it actually becomes crippling

- Stop feeling sorry for myself

- Taking things so seriously

- Staying in too much - get the heck OUT there sista

- How I need to take more pictures

- Spending habits

Things that DO NOT need to change:

+ My work ethic

+ My love of reading and awful TV

+ My desire to be the best I can in life (even when its hard)

+ My ability to laugh at the stupidest things

+ My love for my family and friends

+ Wanting to dance and sing and break out into a number

+ Wanting to travel as much as I can

I also get that it's a lot more easy to pin point the bad in your life than the good, but I know that with the bad there are good. The funny thing people. is I know exactly what I need to do. Im no dumby. I need to make more of a conscious effort. I need to make more time. I need to live more consciously. Sure I am not where I want to be some aspects of my life but that doesn't mean I should let everything else fall apart, right? It shouldn't have to be an all or nothing combination. Life can be hard, but I can do - I did it before - i'll do it again.

In other news!

This weekend should be a lot of fun. This morning I had a nice chat with my aunt who is living in England, looked around the Internet for inspiration and talked it up with my mom. This afternoon, we are going over to Mike's parents house to celebrate our Bro-in-law's bday. Dinner, fun and good times to come. Tomorrow, I plan on doing a little decorating project and then celebrating my Uncle Gino and Aunt Lina's b-day. Lunch at our favorite restaurant with cake and ice cream to follow. Sprinkled in between the festivities I plan on catching up with the mounds of laundry appearing everywhere.... see, if I had a freaking routine this wouldn't be such an issue.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I really like this! It shows that each of us need to look at what we should change and what we SHOULDN'T change. Love it. Good luck to you!!

